A girl is rescued from trafficking. She is brought to a safe place, where she can stay until she is 18 years old. She begins to trust again, to find a healthy lifestyle. But then she begins to heal, she turns 18 and must leave. Having focused on her healing (rightfully so), she has a mountain to climb.
With an unfinished education, the psychological aftermath of trauma, few life skills, no ability to make money, or budget, buy her groceries, make food, take care of her physical, emotional and spiritual health... what do we expect to happen?
As you may have guessed, so many of these girls go back to the traffickers that once abused them because it is the most stable option for them.
this is a call to change that
This is a call to be the men and women who will "Adopt" these girls:
Into our families. Into our communities. Into our hearts. Ultimately, into the Family of God.

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God places the lonely in families, He leads forth the prisoners with singing.